Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Informative Bulimia Essays - Eating Disorders, Psychiatric Diagnosis

Informative Bulimia Specific purpose: I want my audience to understand what bulimia is. Organizational pattern: Cause-effect Introduction I. Attention statement: Nearly half of Americans personally know someone with an eating disorder such as bulimia, according to a recent survey of 1,264 adults, in the New York Times, by Zogby, published Friday July seventh. In addition the poll states that college graduates are more likely to know someone with an eating disorder (Zogby). II. Orientation phase point: I am going to tell you what is bulimia, signs/side affects and treatments. Adaptation: Bulimia is an eating disorder in which a person eats an abnormally large amount of food (which is a binge), and then tries to prevent the weight gain by purging. Some examples of purging are: vomiting (most common), waterpills, laxatives, fasting or even excessive exercising. According to the 1990 book, titled Eating Habits and Disorders, written by Rachel Epstein. Credibility : Bulimia is difficult to detect in someone you know. This is because many of the bulimic's remain at normal body weight or even above normal weight. This is due to their frequent binges on food. Binges can range from one or two times a week to many times a day. Enumerated preview: My object today is for you to understand bulimia and to be able for you to receive information that could maybe help you out some day. First I will tell you the causes, then the signs/side affects, and treatments. Transitions: To begin with I would like to tell you that there are many factors that contribute to bulimia but the exact cause is unknown. BODY III. Suffers of bulimia binge and purge for a variety of reasons. A. Bulimia usually starts in the teen or early adult years and is far more common in females than in males. The illness may be constant or it may get better and worse over a period of many years. Usually bingeing alternates with periods of normal eating and /or fasting. In severe cases there may be periods of bingeing and fasting with no periods of normal eating. Web page, Fact Sheet: Bulimia Nervosa, Yahoo.com, 1996 B. The onset of bulimia may be associated with stressful life events, which are not related to the person's concern about body image or weight. For example a domestic argument, illness or death in the family, the stress of examinations, exchange in job, break down of a relationship, divorce, or even pregnancy may precipitate the first eating-binge, from Eating Disorders: The Facts, by Suzanne Abraham and Derek Llwewllyn-Jones, 1992, page 104. C. Many of the bulimic's binge only to be able to purge themselves afterward-it is the purge, in fact, that offers these people the most relief for their emotional distress (Epstein 66). Transition: Now you know what some of the causes of bulimia are, I will discuss some of the behavioral and physiological signs and side affects A. Behavioral signs and side affects: Bingeing. Secretive eating, evidenced by missing food. Preoccupation with and constant talk about food and/or weight. The avoidance of restaurants, planned meals, or social events if food is present. Self-disarrangement when too much has been eaten. Bathroom visits after meals. Purging at least twice a week for a minimum of 3 months. Laxative, enema, diuretics abuse, or fasting. Rigid and harsh exercise regimes. Notice of feeling out of control. B. Physiological signs and affects: Swollen glands, puffiness in the cheeks, or broken blood vessels under the eyes. Complaints of sore throats. Complaints of fatigue and muscle ache. Unexplained tooth decay. Frequent weight fluctuations, often within a ten to fifteen pound range. Dehydration. Electrolyte imbalances. Low sodium and potassium levels. Liver and Kidney damage. Constipation. Salivary-gland inflammation and swelling(a ?chimpmunk face?). Severe bowel abnormalities. Distorted skin on index and middle fingers. Internal bleeding from vomiting. Ulcers of the stomach and/or esophagus from vomiting . Lacerations of the esophagus. Hearth palpitations. Heart attack. Death. Signs and side affects from Bulimia nervosa [emailprotected], Complete Guide to Symptoms, Illness & Surgery, H. Winter Griffith, 1995. Transition: Now you have learned what bulimia is, the causes and the signs/side affects. I will explain some treatments for bulimia. V. Getting help for the bulimic. It is best if bulimia is treated early. If not long term treatment may be necessary. Family and friends need to always give full support, to the bulimic. A. Admission to hospital, just a short stay so that the health professional can assess the patient's psychological or medical problems further and devise a program of treatment which is appropriate. The

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