Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Health Risks Of The United States - 1524 Words

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services unhealthy eating and physical inactivity are the leading causes of death in the United States. Every year, 300,000 to 600,000 deaths result from unhealthy eating and inactivity (CSPI). Health risk behaviors are the main contributors to the nation’s rising premature death rate in the last twenty-five years. Heath related diseases have begun to span across several generations and is no longer limited to adults. The rise in obesity and malnutrition has resulted in children suffering from diseases that were once considered â€Å"adult† diseases. Many children are dying sooner then expected, and this generation of children is projected to â€Å"be the first generation of children who live†¦show more content†¦Conveniences such as telephones, escalators, and remote controls make life easier and less actively involved. These new advancements cause Americans to â€Å" store more calories instead of burning t hem off.† The less calories burned the more susceptible Americans are to weight gain. On average, Americans consume 200 more calories a day than they did year’s prior. The stigma of the sedentary lifestyle is not limited to working. Many sedentary habits develop at ones home. Watching television and playing on the computer have proven to be one of the least engaging metabolic activities. Riding, driving and reading have proven to have higher metabolic rates then watching television or playing a game on the computer. Working and watching television consumes many American’s time (Medical Center). Based on a study done in 2012 the average American under the age of two watches approximately thirty-four hours of live television a week and three to six hours watching taped programs a week (Hinckley). In the end, a small fraction of the day is left to burn calories and raise ones metabolic rate (Medical Center). Americans busy life styles and stress cause them to eat and their bodies suffer the repercussions of their stressors. Though Americans sedentary lifestyles do not support burning calories, controlling calorie intake can reduce Americans chance of

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